There are a number of things that you can do to extend the life of your HVAC equipment and to keep it performing efficiently.

Tips for Reducing A/C costs on your electric bill:

If your A/C unit is an older model, replace it – Newer energy-efficient models will consume up to 50% less energy compared to models manufactured in the 1990’s or earlier. The cost of the initial investment can easily be recouped from the first year of savings in utility bills.

Inspect your ductwork regularly – Seal off gaps or seams to avoid losing 20% or more of the air produced by your system

Install a programmable thermostat – control the cooling of the entire home or office much more cost-effectively and efficiently

Replace air filters monthly – The most common reason for system problems and/or complete break-down is lack of maintenance (including failure to replace dirty filters)

Shade your A/C compressor or window unit – Providing shade to your A/C equipment can result in more efficient operation of your system and cut your energy usage by as much as 10%

Hire the services of a professional A/C technician to schedule and perform preventative maintenance on a regular basis – We can take care of it all!